Hvad fortæller et blodsukker os? Er det bare en måling vi laver for at se om årsagen til, at patienten er bevidsthedspåvirket, skyldes hypoglykæmi eller diabetisk ketoacidose. Kan blodsukkeret give os andre ledetråde om patientens tilstand? Og kender du begrebet stress hyperglykæmi eller stress induceret hyperglykæmi?
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Links og referencer
Prehospital Blood Glucose Testing as a Predictor of Impending Hypotension in Adult Trauma Patients
Stress hyperglycemia: an essential survival response!
Stress-induced hyperglycemia is associated with higher mortality in severe traumatic brain injury
Review: Traumatic brain injury and hyperglycemia, a potentially modifiable risk factor
Prognostic value of stress hyperglycemia in acute coronary syndrome in non-diabetic patients